Saturday, March 30, 2013


As I near the end of my first of college, I really can't even begin to explain just how insane this year has been. Sometimes a good insane, and sometimes a not so good insane. I have learned more about myself, others, and the world in general in the span of almost 10 months than I really thought was possible. I have learned that there is a lot of good left in the world. I have learned that finding those who you can trust and be yourself around is one of the most important things ever. I have learned that my faith in God really and truly can be the one thing that keeps me going.

But more than anything, I've learned that I am a lot tougher than I think.

The point of this blog is to have a place for the random observations, musings, etc of a college girl just trying to figure things out. And along the way, I hope you figure out some things for yourself too.

your average college girl